Spezial / Gratulation und Feiertage

Weihnachten / Christmas

...überall in der Welt wird Weihnachten auf verschiedenste Art und Weise gefeiert...
...hier in Granada (Nicaragua) am Heilig Abend 2005...
...wie der Weihnachtsmann wohl geschwitzt hat bei 30°C, tagsüber waren es über 40°C...
...zeigt doch hier auch Landestypische Bilder zu Weihnachten aus aller Welt, mich würde es sehr interessieren...!

Christmas is celebrated in many countries around the world, in a rich variety of traditional and ceremonial customs....
Here for example, our friend Santa Claus is making a stop on Christmas eve in Granada (Nicaragua). Despite the very warm daily temperatures, and the likelihood of a uniform drenched in sweat, he still brings tidings of great cheer and joy to all the children gathered for his annual visit....

As a theme, I think it would be a great idea to display Christmas photos from all corners of the globe in this manner. I believe it would provide us with a very interesting and enlightening glimpse into how Christmas is celebrated world-wide.

I'd love to see it! Let's make it happen!
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