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«Monastery of São Vicente de Fora»

«Monastery of São Vicente de Fora»

35.667 189

Vitória Castelo Santos

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Lisboa

«Monastery of São Vicente de Fora»

The Church or Monastery of São Vicente de Fora meaning "Monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls" is a 17th century church and monastery in the city of Lisbon. It is one of the most important monasteries and mannerist buildings in the country. The monastery also contains the royal pantheon of the Braganza monarchs of Portugal.
The original Monastery of São Vicente de Fora was founded around 1147 by the first Portuguese King, Afonso Henriques for the Augustinian Order. The Monastery built in Romanesque style outside the city walls, was one of the most important monastic foundations in mediaeval Portugal. It is dedicated to Saint Vincent of Saragossa, patron saint of Lisbon, whose relics were brought from Algarve to Lisbon in the 12th century.
The present buildings are the result of a reconstruction ordered by King Philip II of Spain, who had become King of Portugal (as Philip I) after a succession crisis in 1580. The church of the monastery was built between 1582 and 1629, while others monastery buildings were finished only in the 18th century. The author of the design of the church is thought to be the Italian Jesuit Filippo Terzi and/or the Spaniard Juan de Herrera. The plans were followed and modified by Leonardo Turriano, Baltazar Álvares, Pedro Nunes Tinoco and João Nunes Tinoco

22 February 2012
Dienstag ist Spiegeltag

Kommentare 189


Ordner Monumenti e Musei L
Views 35.667


Kamera FinePix S5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/600
Brennweite 5.7 mm
ISO 160

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