15.012 4

Uwe Logemann

Premium (Pro), Frankfurt


Bei Rika's Roadhouse auf dem Weg von Fairbanks nach Tok
Alaska, August 2018

Kommentare 4

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  • T. Schiffers 25. Oktober 2018, 20:20

    cooles "restepixxeln"....rundum gelungen.tino
  • l3RIVI Photo 23. Oktober 2018, 22:09

    Nicely captured, but I'd like to see it within its environment. Right now, it's only about the truck. Showing it in context - lost in the woods - placing the truck in the middleground and to one side would add more to consider in the image. Alternately, close in on it completely, and show nothing but details of the truck.
    • Uwe Logemann 24. Oktober 2018, 10:38

      Thanks for your comment! Got your point. In reality this car is not that lost in the woods as it may look like (the roadhouse, which is a museum now, is nearby).
      But I have captured some details as well (steering wheel, motor block, ...) - maybe I come up with one of those pictures as well soon.
  • Hans Hed. 23. Oktober 2018, 20:55

    Klasse Aufnahme.
    Der Schnitt, die Farben, das Motiv usw. alles bestens.
    VG Hans