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Gunung Batur panorama view

Gunung Batur panorama view

16.182 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Gunung Batur panorama view

People say that the great size of the crater implies that Mt. Batur was once a much bigger mountain – perhaps as big as nearby Gunung Agung – which blew its top thousands of years ago.
The volcano is still active – the last serious eruptions occurred in 1965, 1974 and 1994. Erupting from the lower west flank of the mountain and leaving a vast field of black needle sharp lava rock that is now harvested by the tones as building material.
When I came first time in 1978 climbing up the volcano the summit was about 30 metres higher than on my present picture done some days ago.

My photo shot in 2001

Gunung Batur after last eruption
Gunung Batur after last eruption

Kommentare 1

  • Herbert Rulf 2. Mai 2022, 0:58

    Schön gestaltet,  Wolfgang. Der Vordergrund, und da vor allem die gelben Blumen, "macht" das Bild.
    LG, Herbert