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_DSC7724 Lady in Green

_DSC7724 Lady in Green

2.589 4

Fons Bitter

Premium (Basic), Leiderdorp NL

Kommentare 4

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  • M und M 13. November 2023, 21:40

    Hier gefällt mir, dass die Frau mehr Raum hat für ihren schnellen Gang.
    Den Bildschirm finde ich auch störend, würde ihn mal testweise durch einen engeren Schnitt oder durch radieren entfernen, ebenso den Lichtstreifen oben rechts in der schwarzen Ecke. Liebe Grüße Melanie
  • fliwatüüt 13. November 2023, 15:44

    Hi, I like this picture very much!

    For me it is a little bit more pleasing than the 'Four Wheel Drive' picture, which is also very good. In this picture here, we have some more space around the subject which makes the whole composition more harmonious.

    The architecture, the shadows as well as the colors give the picture a nice and calm atmosphere (and I like to have colors here)

    There are just two minor things that are a bit distracting for me. 

    - The monitor in the background
    - The lamp at the very top

    I always have to look at them which is a pity. At least I would have erased them. But all in all real cool street.

    Have a good day.


Views 2.589


Kamera NIKON D700
Objektiv 50.0 mm f/1.8
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 50.0 mm
ISO 400