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Nothing BUt the Bare Facts

Nothing BUt the Bare Facts

2.661 13

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Nothing BUt the Bare Facts

The Nagas are know for not wearing anything but what the Hindu Gods gave them. With men and women walking past, the Naga grooms on one leg like just about anyone else if you can imagine. He's covered with ash from the dead. Maybe he's invisible, In a country where space is a premium fought between, people, passing cows, pigs, and monkeys, rickshaws, and small path way businesses. This a ideal spot to sell to the pilgrims heading to the waters for the Kumbh Mela.

Kommentare 13


Ordner Things I see
Views 2.661


Kamera NIKON 1 V1
Objektiv 1 NIKKOR 10mm f/2.8
Blende 7.1
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 10.0 mm
ISO 200