64.112 45

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Fischbach Chapel

The Fischbach chapel is located just at the edge of the vast and desolate swamps of ‘Hohes Venn’ (the greatest and oldest National Park of Belgium and the most unique nature biotope in the land).

Around 1808 there was a small and poor cottage on this place, the very only settlement in this forsaken area.
It was used as an inn and rest area for the stagecoaches between the then Prussia and Belgium.
A bell was rung frequently there by the innkeeper Michel Schmitz during heavy fog, to save the life of people that were travelling on foot through the swamps and had lost their way (wooden paths as nowadays didn’t exist yet and sadly but many people died at that time in the swamps).

The chapel itself was built next to the cottage in 1830 by order and gratitude of the rich industrial Henri-Toussaint Fischbach, whose father-in-law was saved around 1819 by the bell of the inn, after being totally lost in the swamps during a hunting trip.
A new larger bell and also a small lantern were installed on the chapel's roof.
From that moment on, the lantern was lit by the innkeeper every evening (until his dead in 1856).
Many lives were saved this way thanks to the light and bell of this Fischbach chapel.

It’s a true story, not a legend.

Location : Baraque Michel (Belgium)

Kommentare 45

  • Vogelfreund 1000 29. April 2019, 12:55

    Ein Klasse Winterfoto .
    gute arbeit .
    gruß franz
  • Erika Avery 8. Februar 2019, 8:33

    Just beautiful, love this untouched nature! Thanks for the explanations.
    Bises - Erika
  • Ernst August Pfaue 7. Februar 2019, 21:59

    Looks fantastic!

    best wishes / Ernst August
  • Miro-Su 6. Februar 2019, 9:36

    Beautiful winterscape. The colors and light are the most compelling and captivating aspects. I love the blue sky as well as the well lit trees and the small chapel, an excellent contrast. The white snow covered grass area also blends well with the colors and provides a good deep feeling to the image. Well done.
  • Angelika El. 5. Februar 2019, 21:49

    Ach, das sieht ganz wunderbar aus!!! So schön, das Licht, der blaue Himmel und die so schön beschneiten Bäume! Die Kapelle gefällt mir sehr - ich mag diese grauen (?Bruchsteine) und auch die etwas trutzige Form! Welch eine berührende Geschichte - es werden doch Viele sehr froh über das Läuten der Glocken udnauch über das Lichtsignal gewesen sein! Wundervoll, dieses winterliche Bild! LG! a.
  • hans-jakob 5. Februar 2019, 19:15

    Traumhaft-Schön sieht deine Winterimpression aus!!!
    LG hans-jakob
  • Henryk L 5. Februar 2019, 17:00

    Prächtig diese bereiften Bäume und die Winterlandschaft.
    Gruß Henryk L.
  • Edi Ogris 5. Februar 2019, 10:43

    Gefällt mir sehr gut
    LG EDI
  • Gabriele Gressog 5. Februar 2019, 10:41

    Gruß Gabi
  • Neycken Edgar 5. Februar 2019, 10:39

    Ein Traumhaftes Motiv !!!!
    Top Fotografiert.
    (Vorigen Donnerstag war ich auch dort.)
    VG Edgar
  • Brigitte Hoffmann 4. Februar 2019, 23:07

    Wunderbar! Wie oft bin ich schon an diesem Kapellchen vorbei
    gegangen - und es sieht jedes Mal anders aus. Besonders gut
    gefällt es mir in diesem Winterkleid!
    Salut Brigitte
  • Sabine Junge 4. Februar 2019, 22:10

    Fabulous! Wonderful winter scene with mighty trees!
  • Jürgen Divina 4. Februar 2019, 22:02

    Besonders schön mit den winterlich weißen Bäumen drum herum.
    Viele Grüße, Jürgen
  • Adele D. Oliver 4. Februar 2019, 20:11

    so beautiful this winterlandscape and the little chapel ...
    fine composition, splendid light and blue sky !!!
    warm regards, 
  • Manu T. 4. Februar 2019, 19:34

    A very beautiful winter landscape in fine light and colour and very well composed.