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After many attempts....

After many attempts....

1.820 11

Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

After many attempts....

...finally the gull had enough of me shooing and waving my arms to try to make it fly!
It took of and finally allowed me a lovely capture with its shadow underneath and the grass glowing in the August sun.

On my second visit to St. Andrews I properly discovered the remains of the cathedral...great sight for wonderful photos...
...reminds me a bit of Lisbon's Igreja do Carmo, although different, still similar...

St. Andrews, Kingdom of Fife, Aug. 2012

Oh, I forgot to mention it: this is for Sabine....another seagull !!!

Kommentare 11

  • Felipe Riquelme 24. Juli 2013, 21:42

    Gran captura del ave o gaviota y bellisimo encuadre ,color y fantástica nitidez que fascina mucho en verla,me ha gustado demasiado y te felicito realmente por tu gran trabajo,recibe un abrazo,saludos.
  • mike snead 28. Mai 2013, 16:21

    ok speed-bird 8,rotate!!
  • Carlo.Pollaci 12. April 2013, 21:42

    Atterraggio perfetto!
    Brava Susana, bel colpo d'occhio.
  • ali44 15. Februar 2013, 19:15

    Gorgeous shot
  • DRAGA PUC 12. Januar 2013, 7:51

    yes, Livingston. BNravo! You made it.
  • Gisela Aul 11. Januar 2013, 14:56

    schön mit dem Schatten ,Du bist auch eine Meisterin mit der Kamera
    lg. Gisela
  • BRYAN CRUTE 10. Januar 2013, 20:17

    The shadow looks totally at odds to the overhead gull :-))
    Its a kind of magic gull trick

  • Stropp 10. Januar 2013, 19:35

    Cool, mit dem Schatten noch besser! Die haben es Dir dieses Jahr ja ganz schön angetan, die fliegenden Kumpanen.
    Und soviel Sonne - davon träumen wir, am WE soll's besser werden und endlich winterlich kalt.
    Kuss, Ana
  • phonya 10. Januar 2013, 18:37

    sehr schön! das fotoglück des tüchtigen ...
    lg phonya
  • Susana Miguel 10. Januar 2013, 18:12

    I know why I dedicated it to you, Sabine: You managed to see something I was unaware of, that emancipating heron in the shadow!
    Must be his "Jonathan-Livingston-Seagull-"soul!
  • s. sabine krause 10. Januar 2013, 18:10

    her shadow: a heron taking off in the opposite direction – i guess it's called "emancipation" ; )))… hugs, sabine. p.s.: gulls are great! ; ))


Ordner Scotland
Views 1.820


Kamera Canon EOS 1000D
Objektiv ---
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/500
Brennweite 55.0 mm
ISO 100