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Ta Prohm as a monastery

Ta Prohm as a monastery

2.768 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Ta Prohm as a monastery

The temple was originally constructed as a Buddhist monastery and was enormously wealthy in its time, boasting of control over 3000 villages, thousands of support staff and vast stores of jewels and gold. Of the monastic complex style temples, Ta Prohm is a superior example and should be included in almost any temple itinerary.

Kommentare 3

  • Benita Sittner 29. April 2016, 22:51

    ....total interessant...ich glaube wir würden da Stunden brauchen um alles zu bewundern...VLG Benita
  • Pfriemer 28. April 2016, 14:43

    Prasat Ta Prohm was under intensive renovation under the Indian-Cambodian co-operation project. But sadly there was scaffolding everywhere plus due to its fame it was rammed full of tourist people. Compared to my first visit in Angkor park 1995 this time made it very difficult to see anything.
    After the famous movie "Tomb Raider" this temple complex is crowded by tourists more and more, so better now seeing nearby other places, regards Wolfgang
  • richardelmas 28. April 2016, 13:10

    Parece muy deteriorado, debe ser difícil el mantenimiento con el problema de la humedad de la selva. Muy buena foto.


Ordner Amazing Cambodia
Views 2.768


Kamera NIKON D200
Objektiv ---
Blende 7.1
Belichtungszeit 1/180
Brennweite 46.0 mm
ISO 125

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