H. aus H.

Premium (Basic), Hamburg

Suffolk Theatre in Riverhead / Long Island

In doch eher unauffälliger Umgebung stach dieses Kino/diese Location (https://thesuffolk.org/) durch den Art Deco Stil und die tolle Beleuchtung hervor.
The 350 seat Suffolk Theater is the recipient of ADSNY’s 2016 HERO Award, in recognition and appreciation for the outstanding efforts to rescue and restore this Art Deco theater. The theatre is a unique Art Deco movie theater located on Main Street in historic downtown Riverhead, Long Island. R Thomas Short, of the New York firm, Harde and Short, was the original architect.

Kommentare 2

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Views 3.943


Kamera iPhone 13 Pro
Objektiv iPhone 13 Pro back triple camera 5.7mm f/1.5
Blende 1.5
Belichtungszeit 1/120
Brennweite 5.7 mm
ISO 100

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