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Sanphet Prasat Palace in Muang Boran

Sanphet Prasat Palace in Muang Boran

5.248 2


Premium (World), Bangkok

Sanphet Prasat Palace in Muang Boran

A reproduction of the real building in Ayutthaya.
The structure and style of roof was taken from the old pulpits and such-like furniture in the main (western) hall of Wat Phra Buddha Chinnarat, Phitsanulok Province. The roofs and roof spires are modeled after those of the Aphon Phimoke Palace within the Grand Palace in Bangkok; the roofs over the wing as well as the spire and the spired roof that rises above the central room, its double series of lotus mouldings above seven diminutive stories with their false gables and their naga eaves brackets and fascia boards, are all sheathed with tin plate, as are the roofs over the wings, the short turned posts along the four ridges, the naga barge board over the gables and even the ends of the roof purlins.
The Sanphet Prasat at Muang Boran was once used as a reception hall by His Majesty the King to welcome Queen Elizabeth II and her consort on February 11th, 1972. That day is considered the official opening day of Muang Boran.
(Muang Boran or Mueang Boran better known as Ancient City in Samut Prakan is one of the most important sight seeing destinations in Bangkok, not far away from the famous but not recommended Crocodile Farm where tourists with long noses {Farang} are being terrible cheated, overreached and overcharged.)

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Ordner My homeland Thailand
Views 5.248


Kamera E5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 2.8
Belichtungszeit 1/741
Brennweite 7.1 mm
ISO 100