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PORTO, living city ...  (Portugal)

PORTO, living city ... (Portugal)

5.719 13

António Ramos

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Maia

PORTO, living city ... (Portugal)

Great is the city of Porto and the destination we want to visit and discover in the multiple faces of a city and a destination.
"Whoever descends from Gaia, with their eyes still fixed on the solid and sometimes idyllic goodwill of the suburbs (...) suddenly stops when he finds the face of the city. She is leaning on a mountain range, with the captive air, strips of the streets seeming to hang from uneven houses.
(...) The whole city, with the needles of the temples, the gray towers, the patios and the walls in which stairs are dug, balconies with their remains of room rugs hanging and the gutted interiors in the cool sun, it all has a shape, a wall soul.
(...) A deep ravine marks the notch of the river, whose green waters of spring reflect the growing shadow of the rabelos of dunking candles. (...) "

Kommentare 13



Views 5.719


Kamera NIKON D3100
Objektiv AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/320
Brennweite 22.0 mm
ISO 100

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