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My Window on Broadway

My Window on Broadway

1.496 10

Tom McAlexander

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Volcano, HI

My Window on Broadway

This was taken through my dirty hotel window overlooking Broadway. I managed to see Lion King, Young Frankenstein and Mamma Mia during my five-day stay. I recommend them all!

Kommentare 10

  • Alfred Spectrum 3. August 2008, 4:26

    I had to laugh, really, when I saw this picture, from YOU, our Hawaiian friend normally showing us nature's beauty on a weekly basis.
    Sorry to have missed you in NYC, I am only 20 minutes away from there, we could have split that sandwich....
    All the best.
  • aw masry 23. Februar 2008, 11:35

    Really beautiful cityscape.
    Lovely angle and detail.
    Best Regards - aw masry
  • DRAGA PUC 22. Februar 2008, 22:01

    all thoe windowres, you amd me and meand they and so on... and all together in one big block... nice perspectoive,
  • Sarah D. Kiefer 19. Februar 2008, 21:34

    sounds like a great trip!! you were busy, indeed! i wonder what's behind all those windows, who are the people? are they happy doing what they do in those offices and rooms behind the windows? hmm... anyway, i've always wondered these things whenever i saw a giant city skyline, especially at night and wondered why so many lights wree still on so late after hours. anyhoo, just musings... you had a wonderful view it seems...especially w the big "wicked" sign in there! : ))
    sarah k
  • Lawson McCulloch 9. Februar 2008, 20:46

    A very fine shot that you have taken here Tom.
    best wishes from Lawson
  • CsomorLászló 8. Februar 2008, 9:17

    Very interesting(for me-:))

  • Dennis Maloney 7. Februar 2008, 15:34

    Great image of Broadway in the big apple, thanks for sharing the view....regards, den
  • Christiane Wüllner 6. Februar 2008, 23:13

    Amazing! I would like to be there!!
    great shot without only a little view of the sky!
    :-)) Christiane
  • BRYAN CRUTE 6. Februar 2008, 20:22

    As Sue, makes a great picture. Not much chance of a sun setting on a pond from this vantage point :-)
    It sounds as you had a great time there, so thats the main point !

  • Canan Oner 6. Februar 2008, 19:55

    I have seen Lion King in London two years ago and loved it..How is New York after Hawaii ?...
    A good view from your hotel window Tom...


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