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I Am Overwhelmed. . .

I Am Overwhelmed. . .

3.109 9

Tom McAlexander

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Volcano, HI

I Am Overwhelmed. . .

To My Dear FC Buddies & Friends: An Explanation
To My Dear FC Buddies & Friends: An Explanation
Tom McAlexander
. . . by the messages of support I've received since telling you of my upcoming surgery. I have no fears or anxiety regarding this ordeal, as I have complete trust and confidence in my doctors. I simply wanted to say 'Mahalo' (Hawaiian 'Thank You') for your many comments and concerns.

As for the foto, it is the vent in Halema'uma'u crater where super hot gases have heated the rocks to the extent that they glow at night. The little 'stars' around were the first indication I had regarding how dusty my lens was...but I kind of like them. (This is where the plume shown in other fotos originates.)
Kilauea 6
Kilauea 6
Tom McAlexander

Kommentare 9

  • Pawel Majewski 28. September 2008, 19:43

    dangerous and beautiful
  • Marlis E. 7. September 2008, 20:19

    Mahalo Tom..and Aloha. No words else

  • Vanessa Halvorsen 7. August 2008, 18:31

    Wow, this is really amazing...
    So strong, so deep... So perfect.
    Very, very well done, Tom.

    All the best, Vanessa.
  • DRAGA PUC 7. August 2008, 12:54

    Mahalo to You too
    aloha and
    my best wishes
  • Geoff Ashton 6. August 2008, 20:22

    nice to hear from you again
    havnt forgotton you
    take care
    bw geoff
  • Fons van Swaal 6. August 2008, 11:27

    Excellent shot Tom .......this is the power , beneath deep within......get it out your self and never loose faith....
    All the best..............
  • BRYAN CRUTE 6. August 2008, 11:12

    A fitting and apt picture, when the heart has fire the rest will look after itself !
    Your faith and trust will see you come out at the other end Tom, I firmly believe that.

    Best wishes always
  • Canan Oner 6. August 2008, 9:01

    Dearest Tom...So good to hear from you...
    Keep on holding your positive intention.. If you believe in your capabilities and dedicate yourself to the creation of some form of resolution, you will be surprised to discover that paths that were once closed to you will miraculously open.
    Always thinking and praying for you..
  • Dianna 6. August 2008, 3:51
