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Kommentare 5

  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 2. Juni 2015, 18:44

    Very good capture of the planes and the smoked loop !!! BW. Elvi
  • Harold Thompson 2. Juni 2015, 9:43

    Well timed to capture the full loop Not always easy good work with the panning
    :-)) Harold
  • alexander stefanatos 2. Juni 2015, 9:31

    It is an excellent series,Andy, with a perfect use of shutter as required to make evident the harmony and coordination of this dangerous performence. I selected this one as a dynamic combination of motion and skill together with the marvellous chromatic play of their exhausts.
    regards alex
  • Sue Thompson 2. Juni 2015, 8:16

    It is not easy to capture the antics of these Flyers.

  • Dagi.H. 2. Juni 2015, 7:32

    Ein erstaunliches Foto!

    Von Seiten der Flieger gehört schon Können und sicherlich auch Mut dazu, Figuren zu fliegen.
    LG Dagi


Views 1.699


Kamera Canon EOS 600D
Objektiv Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 200.0 mm
ISO 100

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