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bird of prey: peregrine falcon

bird of prey: peregrine falcon

643 7


Premium (World), Bamberg

bird of prey: peregrine falcon

Sometimes strange things happen.
Last June I was doing some birdwatching. I decided to take my camera and tele lens with me.
I watched some gulls, ducks, nothing really exiting. Suddenly I discovered a young peregrine falcon sitting on a flat roof of a storehouse.
At this time of the year the young one have to learn how to hunt. And his mother was circling around with some prey to motivate him to follow her.
It was quite interesting to watch him through the lense.
Then it happend somehow. He was flying off. I followed him and pressed the shutter release. 8 Fotos in 1 Second. Never thought it could last so long!
At home I was exited to find out that all of those fotos were focused on the falcon. Yippee!!!
This is one of them I like most.

Kommentare 7

  • Martin Wenner 7. August 2010, 22:05

    Wunderbar erwischt, Uli! Ja, es macht schon Spaß, wenn der Auslöser mehrfach rattert und man hinterher erstaunt ist, was da an Quali bei rum gekommen ist. Super schönes Foto!
  • Paul OToole 7. März 2010, 2:49

    What an excellent flight shot. Well done, you have talent for sure.
  • Andreas_Napravnik 26. Januar 2010, 19:16

    Fein, die Schärfe sitzt auf dem Punkt.
    Eine starke Aufnahme.
    LG Andreas
  • Luc Grollie 26. Januar 2010, 18:00

    congrats with the catch !!
    needs more space in front of the bird though....
  • j.a.j.jansen m. 26. Januar 2010, 12:21

    Impressive, well captured.
  • Jacqueline Chay 26. Januar 2010, 11:56

    Wow what a nice pic and I like your story too - how exciting to catch a great shot like this. Well done

    Regards Jackie
  • nokk 26. Januar 2010, 5:29

    when you go in Nature,you can witness some fascinating scenes ...
    and have the chance to come back home with wonderful memories,as this photo!
    my compliments,