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Something broke within me, down inside.

Kommentare 15

  • Fausta Filipponi 13. Juli 2022, 21:30

    Ottimo lavoro! Bravissima. Bello anche il brano di Alvin Lee
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 11. Juli 2022, 19:29

  • isabella bertoldo 11. Juli 2022, 17:34

  • Pasquale De Palma 11. Juli 2022, 15:05

    Foto artistica come i dipinti
  • lucy franco 11. Juli 2022, 10:20

    Particolarmente riuscita, ci si immerge dentro tra gli azzurri e le ombre, incontrando Van Gogh
  • Carlo.Pollaci 11. Juli 2022, 7:38

    Felice connubio tra vecchie e nuove arti. Il pittorialismo rinasce con risultati soprendenti e affascinanti. Quello che veramente conta è il valore dell'immagine che, come in questo caso, sorprende e irretisce lo sguardo e la mente.
    Alle spalle, naturalmente, s'intravede un paziente lavorio di studio e ricerca volto a piegare la tecnica (o meglio le tecniche) al proprio intento artistico. Obiettivo prestigioso pienamente raggiunto.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 11. Juli 2022, 13:33

      Grazie Carlo, sempre molto generoso nei tuoi commenti.
      Questo me lo vorrei incorniciare (nel cervello).
      Alza l''autostima" di due gradi...
  • Ansgar Leuthner 11. Juli 2022, 0:34

    ...a new Vincent-picture of Venice...I have to admit: you got his style nearly perfectly...but Vincent's style was a result of his state of mind - and he was not really sane...don't get to deep inside his feelings and confusions...although I can understand you, my sister. But diving into a depression is not the way to get over this cruel time...I know, everything we believed in and hoped for are going down the drain...but we should fight against, even when it seems to be hopeless...The music of George Harrison and Alvin Lee is positive, both knew about the dephts of life and changed it into wonderful sounds...and even the bluest blues is positive music....Ciao, mia cara sorella, io ti abbraccio - your brother
    • ann mari cris aschieri 11. Juli 2022, 13:14

      Thank you for your friendly words, my dear Brother...
      I 'm certainly situated on a wrong sight point, but I cannot exempt myself to think that It is humanity more than Van Gogh to show insanity or madness...
      The problem is that we are never willing to admit our faults and our infamy, and we never learn anything from our actions because many relevant aspects of the past experience have long been removed or forgotten by both historiography and "collective memory". So every experience, even the most tragic, remained vain and fruitless.
      At this point of the story I prefer to match my identity with Van Gogh than with a person considered "normal" by the majority.
      Besides it is also very amusing to dedicate myself to this new million dollars style... :)) CIAo!   crissy
    • Ansgar Leuthner 13. Juli 2022, 16:49

      ...I understand and I'm on your side: van Gogh was in his way more "normal" than the others...he saw behind the masks and the things and found a new world..but he could not express it the way he wanted to (read his letters to his brother) and that destroyed him....Ciao, beloved sister - your brother