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What Is He Thinking About ?!

What Is He Thinking About ?!

3.773 8

Sepideh Q.

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Tehran

Kommentare 8

  • Dieter K 2. September 2013, 18:30

    He thinks: What I'm doing, where I grew up, it was so much more beautiful!"
    Very nice picture of a constructed dessert. Greetings Dieter
  • Nati E. 2. Juli 2013, 15:27

    I thought those kind of houses only exist in Eastern Germany :-) Anyway - you can make your tiny nice little world also in a building that is ugly from the outside.
    This picture tells me a story.
    Warm regards, Nati
  • Christian Bertero 21. April 2013, 16:34

    Congratulations Sepideh for this excellent observation and "capture" with the right title ...
    A french poet wrote " est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent ?" so "is it like that the human beeing live ? "

    Cordiale saluto dalla Sicilia. Have a nice week.
  • Adele D. Oliver 10. April 2013, 22:19

    am I the only one still here ??? so many pigeon holes, such anonymity .... you captured it well, Spideh !!
    greetings, Adele
  • H A D I 10. April 2013, 20:33

    Goliyee !!!!!
  • Alfred Schultz 10. April 2013, 19:39

    Home, sweet Home.
    While everybody hits the road,
    I enjoy the view from my balcony.
    = Very well observed situation.
    Salam - A.
  • s. sabine krause 10. April 2013, 19:12

    he's thinking: "yikes, why wasn't i fast enough to duck like all those others now lying flat on their stomachs on the floor of their balconies? alas, i'm always too slow on he uptake! one day it will get me in trouble…" ; ))) but wait, maybe that's a little too dramatic. maybe he's just a man with eagle eyes and he's thinking: "nice nikon!" ; )) hope it's something harmless like that because i do feel his gaze is quite piercing. it reaches all the way through your lens and into my brain, it seems ; ). so maybe he's thinking my thoughts now… ; )) – – a fantastic image, dear sepideh! wide open to all kinds of creative interpretations, not only those silly ones that i came up with – sorry! ; ) the eye contact with the camera – very intense and a little scary – make the shot! hugs, sabine. p.s.: i absolutely love the light dipping the facade in a soft glow and causing those many identical shadows to appear in those many identical balconies! ; )
  • BRYAN CRUTE 10. April 2013, 13:07

    Why am i in a pigeon box :-))
    Excellent shot, nice to see a picture from you again




Views 3.773


Kamera NIKON D5000
Objektiv AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED
Blende 25
Belichtungszeit 1/200
Brennweite 200.0 mm
ISO 400

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