795 5

Ms K

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Manchester

Kommentare 5

  • Ms K 26. März 2013, 20:21

    haha! I like your reply
  • Matthew Pine 26. März 2013, 20:11

    too smart to dislike it. ...
  • Ms K 26. März 2013, 18:44

    Thank you Matthew! that is a lovely compliment, I'm glad you like it.

  • Matthew Pine 26. März 2013, 15:58

    that´s really great ... I like it very much. It is about stillness, and that´s what I can find in it.
    And I love it´s closeness....

    Best wishes
  • Ms K 26. März 2013, 0:12

    I am here to explore and indulge, to feel that my life is fulfilling the soul's intention. That every experience is to cast a net of more experiences as I draw those people that I am meant to include on my journey. Happily we coast through a sea of love, laughter and pleasure not sealed by society, you my friend have my two finger salute. This is my blueprint, not a makeshift suggestion. Damn! that felt good. ♥



Views 795


Kamera NIKON D3100
Objektiv Unknown (742194446)
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/125
Brennweite 24.0 mm
ISO 200

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