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just a little hot air

just a little hot air

714 4

Ms K

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Manchester

just a little hot air

I had aspirations following the new Bond film!!

Kommentare 4

  • Ms K 25. März 2013, 23:56

    to be conquered, now there's something i don't hear everyday!
  • Matthew Pine 25. März 2013, 23:43

    Great one. Looks much more like Battleship Galactica :D They had these irons and old telephones on their spaceship, well, that means you are probably one of the aliens we have to conquer :D

    However, very nice image

    Best wishes
  • Ms K 24. März 2013, 22:48

    How do I get the comments changed to English without having to google translate? I think it was a bout star wars yeah?
  • Joew 22. März 2013, 15:10

    Cool gemacht von dir, gefällt mir in SW. LG Joe



Views 714


Kamera NIKON D3100
Objektiv Unknown (742194446)
Blende 4.5
Belichtungszeit 1/200
Brennweite 22.0 mm
ISO 100