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Snug as a bug in a rug...

Snug as a bug in a rug...

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Snug as a bug in a rug...

I don’t know just how universal the currency of this expression might be, but a typical definition of it in
English is the condition of feeling very comfortable and warm when you pull the blankets around you in bed.
I remember my mother using that expression when I was little and she'd tuck me in at bedtime.
And I've always liked the warm and fuzzy sound of it.

Somehow it suggested itself as I was editing some images taken at the Frankfurt International Airport last October.
The Lufthansa Airbus seems to be having all of its (servicing) needs seen to as it sits ever so snugly ensconced at its Fraport gate.

Guess one could even call it an AirBUG, nicht wahr?

Photo+Design ©2010/2011 Steve Ember

Seen also at FRA

A Commanding Presence
A Commanding Presence
Steve Ember

Kommentare 6

  • Sally Dunn 27. Juli 2011, 20:51

    Perfect title Steve! It is being pampered from all angles and soon will be spruced up, filled up, cleaned up and up in the air before you know it!
  • Ana Vera 18. Juli 2011, 18:51

    Very good idiom for an amazing shot- Congratulations
  • Inez Correia Marques 11. Juli 2011, 0:00

    I like this one a lot. Bravo Steve
  • Thomas Reitzel 1. Juli 2011, 21:13

    Your pic makes the idiom unforgettable!

    Best regards
  • s. sabine krause 26. Juni 2011, 10:57

    : )))))) snug as a bug in a rug indeed and probably happy as a clam and soon fit as a fiddle again, too, i'm sure ; )! in fact, it reminds me of a cow: a cow that's come to the milking parlor, where it's now being pampered by soulless machines with sterile tentacles, pipes, suckers – utilized tenderness ; ))… great shot and "animation" of a machine, steve! greetings, sabine.
  • Tatjana Puc Kous 23. Juni 2011, 22:33

    Thank you for interesting comment and my asscciation looking at airbus is looking like on cute animal enjoy on servising it!! :)) Nice!