Lucy Trachsel

Premium (World), aus dem Zürcher Oberland

Lofoten 2

for Adele Oliver

During our journey your travels around Cape Horn often came to mind. This kind of land- and seascape has a fascination all of its own.

Durchs Kabinenfenster aufgenommen.

Kommentare 5

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  • Hannes Gensfleisch 19. Mai 2010, 12:25

    Das sieht im Foto schon
    so phantastisch aus,
    wie muss das erst im
    Original gewesen sein!
    Wolken und Licht passen
    hervorragend, besser als
    nur strahlendblau!
    LG Hannes
  • lulu 19. Mai 2010, 10:43

    grandioses foto, lucy. ich freue mich auf weitere.
    lg - lulu
  • Adele D. Oliver 19. Mai 2010, 0:52

    Dear Lucy, how sweet of you to dedicate this image to me. Before reading my name below I could not help but think about my trip. You were transported into another world - an experience of a lifetime. Amazing shot of the mountains with the light hitting the tops. Well done through the window!!! (tried that myself, and it's not easy).
    Thank you so much and a big hug,
  • Norbert Borowy 18. Mai 2010, 16:41

  • Micha ohne el 18. Mai 2010, 14:44




Ordner Norwegen
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