Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Once a Corner Grocery Store (9)

now waiting for a new life (Victoria Drive)

and I would rather see a Starbucks here than this ugly corner !!!!!!!!!

before supermarkets Vancouver had many, many little corner grocery stores in every neighbourhood (the entrance door being on the corner) .... some still remain, but many have been converted to other stores, cafes, art galleries and living quarters - I love them as they take away from the impersonality of the big stores...

Once a Corner Grocery Store (8)
Once a Corner Grocery Store (8)
Adele D. Oliver

Kommentare 19

  • Deryck 14. April 2014, 21:46

    This is an interesting series with a million stories to tell. I was making up my own story with each image, how it started, how it lived and how it closed down.....
    Great work Adele
  • Glenn Capers 9. April 2014, 17:46

    Well this is a good point. If you can't turn it into something useful. Shut it down. I have had fun writing a bunch of silly/funny comments on your series.

    I do love the time and effort you put into finding the locations. I also like the fact that the thread olds together. What I do like in addition is that this is not only a story, a photo story , but a documentary. Not may here know how to do these and not many do. Hat off to you and cheers from my heart .
  • Ernst Seifert 9. April 2014, 16:48

    Sicherlich hat hier ein Händler vor etlichen Jahren mit viel Optimismus angefangen, Waren anzubieten. Lange hat er in den darauffolgenden dem Konkurrenzdruck der großen Marktketten und der Einkaufszentren standzuhalten. Leider hat er den ungleichen Kampf verloren.
    VG Ernst
  • Claudio Micheli 9. April 2014, 13:15

    Interessante e molto bella!
  • Alfred Schultz 9. April 2014, 11:37

    Before here a cocoa or brownies store
    can do business, the color should be
    slightly darker.
    Gruss - A.
  • TeresaM 9. April 2014, 7:04

    Toujours excellents tes regards sur ces coins de rue !!!
    Il y a même le distributeur de Metro !!!
    Amitiés & bonne journée, Adele :-)
  • aline64 9. April 2014, 6:25

    Une belle série et celle ci est très colorée , une prise réussie de cet endroit
  • adriana lissandrini 9. April 2014, 0:30

    interesting and very well done shooting
    hugs, Adriana
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 8. April 2014, 23:28

    Top picture**********
  • Angelika El. 8. April 2014, 23:25

    Ja, so sieht es im Moment gar nicht gut aus, dieses Eck! Da kann man nur hoffen - ganz egal, welcher Art die neue Nutzung sein wird, dass die Umgebung auf jeden Fall gewinnen wird!

    LG! a.

  • Conny11 8. April 2014, 22:27

    Eine ganz schön runtergekommene Gegend...
    aber auch das ist die Realität...
    es gibt so viele Gegensätze, wie glücklich können wir uns schätzen.... das wir hier nur vorbeigehen brauchen.
    Deine letzten Bilder machen mich nachdenklich...
    wie dicht liegen doch Freude und Leid... Reichtum und Armut zusammen.
    LG zu dir Conny
  • Rainer Golembiewski 8. April 2014, 22:00

    da warst du jetzt zu spät.......zu...geschlossen, leider! Toll dokumentiert!
  • Mark Billiau. 8. April 2014, 21:24

    The color seems to fit more with an erotica shop....... :-))

  • Tatiana Gutskova 8. April 2014, 20:54

    funny couple :)))
    bw Tatiana
  • s. sabine krause 8. April 2014, 19:04

    can't have been boarded up for long – graffiti is still sparse… or else some one is still taking the time to scrub it clean or overpaint once in a while – if that's the case, i bet it's long rented/sold again and you'll get your starbuck's in no time! ; )) the sickly brown – don't even know what the exact name of the color is! ; ) – sure is an unpleasant sight! but the dainty calligraphy ; ) "love live" cracks me up… so unstreetwise and out of place looking! hugs, sabine.


Ordner Vancouver Living
Views 1.204


Kamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objektiv Unknown 6-72mm
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/100
Brennweite 6.0 mm
ISO 200