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Willkommen in Tamins! (F11 for best viewing)

Willkommen in Tamins! (F11 for best viewing)

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Willkommen in Tamins! (F11 for best viewing)

This is Riana, who was a wonderfully photogenic and natural subject for my camera. We met in the village
of Tamins, high above the Rhine in Canton Graubünden, where I was spending some time in the autumn
of 2011 with my F-C friends Beatrice and Ruedi. Thank you, Bea for introducing me to your precious little
granddaughter and Cornelia for letting me take so many photos of your little girl as we explored Tamins.

Photo + Design ©2011/2016 Steve Ember

Kommentare 3

  • Maiarisli 28. März 2016, 12:56

    Ich muss Lächeln und bin sehr Glücklich Riana so zu sehen
    a liaba gruass
  • Susanne Kämmner 7. März 2016, 19:37

    Steve, that´s such a beautiful and amiable photo! The young lady simply is charming. So young, but she already knows about the perfect gestures how to welcome a stranger. And all that is needed are some flowers, an irresistible smile and a graceful movement of the hand. I understand well, that your heart melted when she so nicely smiled at you.
  • Johanna C. 7. März 2016, 12:46

    Wonderful capture and composition
    Best regards, Johanna