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Petra Finkenzeller

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this picture was taken at low tide at a coast in south west england. The tidal difference here is 2nd largest worldwide, which means that at high tide all of these yachts & boats are happily bobbing about in the water again. All they need to do is wait for it to come back...
Unfortunately i have lost quite a bit of sharpness:o(
- i read somewhere that this could be caused by use of polarizing filters. I have only recently started using a polarising filter, and am not sure how to go about them in terms of losing/ regaining sharpness...

Kommentare 6

  • Kathleen Brown 3. September 2005, 12:46

    Petra, I like your POV on this shot, Someone correct me if I am wrong regarding a polarizer, but I use to turn it until the sky was very blue, but I was told to point the camera at the dirt until the looks very rich, then you have a well polarized shot. Or something like that. They said you do not want your sky to LOOK polarized.
  • JVision 2. September 2005, 18:05

    Wonderful composed picture Petra. I find it romantic in a way.
  • Rita VanDeemter 31. August 2005, 8:48

    First time I saw this in England
    I was so impressed with it, it is a
    wonderful view to take photo's of
    and you did a great job here.
    keep them coming:)
  • Cees Kuijs 28. August 2005, 15:05

    Very nice picture of a traffic jam on the water. Or whitout water in this case. Very well captured. Great colors !! Your pol-filtre works fine.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Rob Wells 28. August 2005, 9:54

    Forget about the sharpness, Petra, the composition is spot on.

    Single guy waiting in the foreground, beached boats int he middle ground, and, the impending tide in the background.

    Good shot.
  • Jeremy B 28. August 2005, 2:45

    Wow! This is such an interesting picture, and I'm glad you included the short commentary. Even w/o the sharpness, the subject matter is still quite nice.



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