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Sunset over Southampton Water

Sunset over Southampton Water

3.822 12

Stu Good

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Southampton

Sunset over Southampton Water

from Warash. Good Friday 6th April 2007.
Critique welcome as always.

Kommentare 12

  • Meris Turkovic 17. November 2008, 23:19

  • † Dieter Uhlig. 24. Juni 2007, 8:32

    sehr schön
  • Ken Piros 9. Mai 2007, 0:00

    Wonderful sunset shot! Color and composition are perfect.
  • Heli E. 8. Mai 2007, 22:34

    this picture is so beautiful! looks so clear and calm.. i love the colours!
  • Robert L. Roux 20. April 2007, 16:50

    easter is a time to remember
    your good friday colours
    are most memorable -
    excellent ...

    post scriptum
    easter weekend's horizons do tilt, always
    but only apparently ...
  • Stu Good 16. April 2007, 11:44

    Thanks for the critique everyone.
    I hadn't noticed the tilt to the right so thanks for that, as for the sharpness of the yacht I had a shutter speed of 1/20th and the yacht was moving under the power of it's motor so great sharpness was always going to be difficult. I guess I could have taken two images and merged tham, one exposed for the yacht and the other without the yacht but I'm not convinced it would have worked as well.
    Thanks again,

  • Kombizz Kashani 14. April 2007, 16:52

    beautiful image, nice composition & goodromantic colors for hugging and kissing your partner and say how much you love him/her
  • Terry Dye 13. April 2007, 22:21

    How can I criticize something that I find so colorful? I cannot.

    Great capture. I think it's time to visit Southhampton before you hog all of the great light to yourself!

  • Cees Kuijs 13. April 2007, 21:50

    Great mood and outstanding colors. Good composition. But the horison is tilting a bit and the sharpness of the boat could be better.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Geoff Ashton 13. April 2007, 21:38

    lovly setting and coulers
    think i may of liked the boat a little sharper
    cheers geoff
  • Sissi Blume 13. April 2007, 19:13

    Like a painting!
  • Daren Borzynski 13. April 2007, 19:06

    Beautiful scene.. well composed Stu.
    The colours & light are wonderful & well exposed.
    I get a feeling that it tilts down on the right... apart from that... really like it.
