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Stolen lintel in Prasat Phanom Rung

Stolen lintel in Prasat Phanom Rung

1.636 3


Premium (World), Bangkok

Stolen lintel in Prasat Phanom Rung

A low-key campaign has been under way to bring a thousand-year-old temple carving back to Thailand from an American museum, but the campaign took an unexpected turn.
The change in tone came when an anonymous statement appeared prominently in most newpapers here accusing the American Government of being involved in the theft of the piece during the Vietnam War.
The lintel on this photo is a copy, its fake, the US American keep the original in their museum.
Photo was captured with Kodachrome 50 ASA slide film, then scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED

Kommentare 3


Ordner My homeland Thailand
Views 1.636


Kamera Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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