2.365 7

Ken Piros

Community Manager, Ohio

Still Undefeated

Not sure what he was undefeated at but it wasn't this game !

Kommentare 7

  • Gabriele Cabassi 28. Januar 2013, 16:09

    Bello scorcio pieno di colori. Ottimo
  • s. sabine krause 24. August 2012, 16:26

    : )))) still undefeated by life's twists and turns, i suppose! ; )) stubbornly trying his luck at winning, while the next licking is already coming his way! ; ) what a colorful and fun festival shot, ken! love how the staff member is following the flying ball (took me a while to discover it!) with his eyes! but what a humiliation to be watched and probably hooted at by tweety, spongebob & co., while missing that sure shot! ; ))) greetings, sabine.
  • Harold Thompson 29. Juli 2012, 9:47

    Will it ? did it ? Colourful :-)) Harold
  • BRYAN CRUTE 28. Juli 2012, 19:11

    I want to win a Sponge Bob please :-))
    Good shot , made me smile

  • Sue Thompson 28. Juli 2012, 8:14

    So much to view, so many fun faces......and a smile from the guy in the middle :))
  • viola d 27. Juli 2012, 20:11

    You don't need to be undefeated in the game, to remain undefeated in life will do:)
    A good pic, works well in colour.
    Bw, Viola
  • Dr. Labude 27. Juli 2012, 12:52



Views 2.365


Kamera NIKON D40X
Objektiv AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G
Blende 1.8
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 35.0 mm
ISO 100