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Snow in Greenville, NC

Snow in Greenville, NC

3.318 5


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Greenville

Snow in Greenville, NC

Not much snow in Greenville, North Carolina... but it looks so when there is any!

Kommentare 5

  • Manu61 8. Februar 2008, 14:14

    Look's good. Nice light. I like it. LG.manuela
  • Pauli Weil 24. Januar 2008, 21:45

    Absolutely stunning! Love the play of light with the delicate green and the mist of snow.
    Take care, Pauli
  • Arnd U. B. 8. Januar 2008, 12:36

    We have not any snow here at the moment...It's nice to have such a look into a white winterwonderland. Kind regards Arnd
  • João Lima 6. Januar 2008, 1:26

    I love all of your pictures.
    But, how I never seen snow, this is wich I prefer.
    Here in Brazil we don't have snow, I hope one day I can see personally.
  • Anca Silvia B. 3. Januar 2008, 10:13

    Love it!
    Beautiful place.
    Kind regards,Anca