Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Sitting on Top of the Car

... or so it seems

mural on a building in a back alley in Vancouver's East End .... I went looking for murals and new art created while we were sailing in Sept. - every mural a discouragement for sprayers and ugly graffiti and bare walls made interesting !!!

thank you so much Harald. Brede for nominating my image for the gallery - a nice surprise ..

Streetart in Vancouver
Streetart in Vancouver
Harald. Brede

Die Lateinerbrücke in Sarajevo
Die Lateinerbrücke in Sarajevo
Harald. Brede

Europa oder nicht Europa, das ist hier die Frage.
Europa oder nicht Europa, das ist hier die Frage.
Harald. Brede

Kommentare 70


Ordner Gallery Proposals
Views 16.418


Kamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objektiv Unknown 4-215mm
Blende 3.5
Belichtungszeit 1/10
Brennweite 4.5 mm
ISO 100

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