Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

September - between Summer and Autumn

Little by little the trees are changing colour in Vancouver's Trout Lake Park - a beautiful time of year!

September Evening
September Evening
Adele D. Oliver

September Ocean
September Ocean
Adele D. Oliver

I hope your week is going well .... I thank you for your visits and comments!

Kommentare 25

  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 14. Oktober 2009, 8:06

    Una MAGGICA fotografia, bellissima l'inquadratura, ottimo iluminoso e piu belli colori. I miei complimenti e un saluto a presto...Emir
  • Meike T. 1. Oktober 2009, 21:33

    Hier färben sich auch die Blätter und zwar sehr schnell jetzt.
    Schönes Bild. Schönes Licht.

    LG Meike
  • Silvia Simonato. 1. Oktober 2009, 20:29

    Bella fotografía!!!Hermosa composición!!!!!
    Saludos Silvia
  • † Ernst Hobscheidt 1. Oktober 2009, 18:18

    eine sehr schöne Landschaft hast du hier abgelichtet. Gefällt mir Adele.
  • groc 30. September 2009, 23:37

    Dear Adele, When I have seen this picture I have come back to the first images of an unknown Mrs Oliver from Vancouver some 11 months ago. I was really impressed by the sharpness, the sweet shades, the excellent compositions...
    Autumn has come back and I'm already expecting your nice works of the season.
    Thanks for sharing and kindest regards.
  • JOKIST 30. September 2009, 23:08

    +++ Excellent +++
    Very fine shot !!!!!!!!

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Deryck 30. September 2009, 20:00

    One of these days your city will be covered with the beautiful colour of autumn. A lovely shot of the park
  • Ernst Heister 30. September 2009, 19:25

    Es läßt sich nicht mehr übersehen, immer wieder schön anzuschauen, aber gleichzeitig auch traurig, dem Sommer Lebewohl zu sagen!
    Liebe Grüße, Ernst
  • Sally Dunn 30. September 2009, 17:36

    It is a very beautiful time of year and this tree has leaves that are just starting to turn with their red colours at the very tips. Trout lake park will look glorious when they have all turned and before the leaves drop.
  • JValentina 30. September 2009, 15:34

    maravilloso el parque..que bonita luz y color, es fantásticos esos tonos verdes
    un abrazo
  • Anca Silvia B. 30. September 2009, 15:00

    das ist kommen wir langsam in Herbst..die Farben aendern sich...ein sehr schoenes Foto Adele..LG Anca
  • Segura Carmona 30. September 2009, 14:10

    Magnífico encuadre y excelente luyz y color, empieza el Autum....Saludos Adela.
  • Elisa M 30. September 2009, 14:00

    Tienes razón,es una bonita época del año en la que la naturaleza nos deslumbra.
    Esos parques de Vancouver son maravillosos.
  • Werner R. Albert 30. September 2009, 13:36

    Fresh colours in September !
    I like this time of the year too.
    (I was born in September).
    Simply a beautiful picture.
    And thanks a lot for your friendly comments.
    This is the complete sculpture:

    many hugs
  • Natalja Dralova 30. September 2009, 12:59

    Very nice composition with beautiful colors!
    I love the autumn colours..



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