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Scratching The Surface

Scratching The Surface

1.167 3

Graham Duck

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Scratching The Surface

Ploughing a sunburnt country

Kommentare 3

  • Jo Gallagher 24. Januar 2007, 20:28

    A classic capture,

  • Dan Lazarescu 23. Januar 2007, 14:47

    Great picture,
    Good composition and colors.
  • Zoltán Farmosi 23. Januar 2007, 10:13

    Nice colors good tone and a good moment captured. It communicates the smell of work for me. The only thing I found is the thing (maybe a fence pole) between the tree in the background and the left edge of the frame. For some reason it calls for attention, probably because it's in the way of movement. Has a rule like stopping the story. Welcome to this great site, it is always nice to see good photos like this.