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Sangita Bhimrao Holkar

Sangita Bhimrao Holkar

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Mainz

Sangita Bhimrao Holkar

Sangita Bhimrao Holkar is 22 years old and was born in Bainganwadi. She is married and now lives in the countryside with her parents-in-law. Sangita came back to Bainganwadi for the wedding of her brother. “Now I am married I don’t want to do anything. I don’t like the village, I was born here, I don’t know anything about village life. But I feel compelled to stay there.”

Aus der Serie "The Right To Be Remembered"

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Views 3.054


Kamera Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Objektiv EF16-35mm f/2.8L USM
Blende 3.2
Belichtungszeit 1/80
Brennweite 18.0 mm
ISO 320