1.489 32

Frank Cecconi

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Melbourne (Victoria)

Role Model

Street scenes of San Francisco 2007

Kommentare 32

  • Maria João Arcanjo 10. November 2007, 10:56

    very good street photo.
  • dieterDIETRICH 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Barbara Homolka 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Ivano Cheli (1) 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • CsomorLászló 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Patrick B. Parenteau 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

    This shot has ATTITUDE.. rat a tat tat - pro.
  • Stefan S. Mosley 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Valfoto 21. Mai 2007, 15:53 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Darinka Mladenovic 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Nicole Zuber 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Sarah D. Kiefer 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

    yeah, i noticed the crop and the feet as well, but considering the subject and its context as photojournalism, something like that might be necessary for space needs...cropping, re-scaling, etc. to fit on the page. to me this looks like it came off the page or is destined for it, so that perspective dominated my reaction to the image bc as such, nothing can be be removed/cloned out...usu i don't get so excited over photojo. and documentary bc been there done that, but this one has so much energy and spontenaity—for that alone i realllllly admire this shot!
  • r o l f WENGENroth 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Juergen Modis 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Sus Bogaerts 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung

  • Der Zacki 21. Mai 2007, 15:52 Voting-Anmerkung
