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People cleaning an cutting the lawn grass

People cleaning an cutting the lawn grass

11.691 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

People cleaning an cutting the lawn grass

In front of the National Assembly Building on Ba Dình Square.
The field was treated more than done in an English garden.
Ba Dinh Square is located in the center of Hanoi, in the northwest of Hoan Kiem Lake. After the victory of the "August Revolution" in Vietnam in 1945, President Ho Chi Minh announced the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Since then, Ba Ting Plaza has become the political center of Vietnam, just like the position of Tiananmen Square in China.

Kommentare 1


Ordner Vietnam 18 years ago
Views 11.691


Kamera E5000
Objektiv ---
Blende 4.8
Belichtungszeit 1/202
Brennweite 14.9 mm
ISO 100

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