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Palace on the Water

Palace on the Water

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Warszawa

Palace on the Water

Palace on the Water (or Palace on the Island) in the city of Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland (Polska). In 1764, when looking for a place in which to build his summer residence, King Stanisław August purchased the Bathhouse together with the Ujazdowski estate. Thanks to two architects – the Italian born Domenico Merlini and Johann Christian Kammsetzer, who was born in Dresden – the King transformed the Baroque Bathhouse pavilion into the neoclassical Palace on the Isle. Modelled on Italian architectural solutions, such as the Villa Borghese, Villa Albani, Villa Medici and Villa Ludovisi, it was intended to symbolize the dream of an ideal, modern and sovereign state.

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Kamera NIKON D80
Objektiv ---
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/8
Brennweite 13.0 mm
ISO 640