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Palace on the Isle

Palace on the Isle

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Warszawa

Palace on the Isle

Palace on the Island in the city of Warsaw (Warszawa), Poland (Polska). The origins of today’s Palace on the Isle date back to the late seventeenth century. The Bathhouse was built at the behest of Prince Stanislaw Herakliusz Lubomirski, one of the most important politicians, writers and philosophers of the time. The Baroque garden pavilion, designed by the Dutch architect, Tylman van Gameren, was intended as a place for resting, leisure and contemplation. The interiors of the Bathhouse were stylized on a grotto with a spring which symbolized the Hippocrene, a fountain on Mount Helicon in ancient Greece, which was the source of poetic inspiration for the Muses.

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Kamera NIKON D80
Objektiv ---
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/20
Brennweite 45.0 mm
ISO 500