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One of... doors in Røros

One of... doors in Røros

6.557 2

Lena Berntsen

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Sparbu

One of... doors in Røros

Doors in Røros, Norway

Kommentare 2

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  • lofojo 23. Dezember 2019, 21:48

    What a wonderful old door and typically wooden made house as well. Especially with these old fashioned lamps on each side. The ornaments over the door are refering excellent to the origin main industry of this charming historical town. Mining and copper melting. I was there for several times and I always enjoyed.


Views 6.557


Kamera iPhone SE
Objektiv iPhone SE back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
Blende 2.2
Belichtungszeit 1/503
Brennweite 4.2 mm
ISO 25

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