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Visiones de vida.

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mi padre.

Kommentare 16

  • Donna Vitkauskas 17. Juni 2006, 6:41

    Heyyyyyy Baby, I'm back with banana's! Ha Ha
    How is everything and everyone? Baby and wife well I hope. maybe not a baby anymore..... How old now?
    Donna(aka Biker Chick)
  • roswitha wesiak 7. Juni 2006, 22:54

    he looks so tired and slim, you took this pic from a good angel lg rosi
  • Sergio Pessolano 5. Juni 2006, 23:10

    Clever, not usual portrait. I like it much.
  • John Holmes 25. Mai 2006, 19:37

    nice work. i like the angle and the light about his head. jh
  • Visiones de vida. 20. Mai 2006, 16:14

    Eloy,...en realidad me papa no es de tipo serio,..le encanta bromear y platicar con la gente,...pero esto era ya pasada de su hora de dormir,...queria capturar el sentido de su dia de mucho trabajo,...aqui ya eran pasadas despues de las 10 de la noche...


    ...los sacrificios que hacen los padres por sus hijos!

  • M. Eloy Werthmüller Ortiz 20. Mai 2006, 14:27

    Muy buenas toma de tu papi...me gusta mucho...el parece ser un poco serio, por lo menos en cuando le haceis fotos, no ?

    Un saludo

    M. Eloy
  • Dirk Hofmann 20. Mai 2006, 13:33

    ;-) ... looking forward to see it ...
  • Visiones de vida. 20. Mai 2006, 5:42

    @ Petra, Wibke, Keiko, Buck, Mike, John and Carles,..

    thank you very much!

    @ Dirk,...no le hagas burla a pobre pelon!


    and thank you and I will work on natural light version,..will post ( hopefully this weekend )

  • Dirk Hofmann 19. Mai 2006, 23:21

    your dad has more hair left on his head than you have ... hahahaha ... :-)

    very strong ... well posed!

    i'd like to see that shot again with natural light ....
  • PINDORIUS 19. Mai 2006, 19:04


    me gustan las manos cerradas en primer plano
  • John Moore 19. Mai 2006, 15:54

    Blessings all around mate!!
    Great shot, best wishes to the family three.
    Best wishes from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

  • M. Sommer 19. Mai 2006, 13:51

    Ui - I love this wide angle!
  • Buck Wicker 19. Mai 2006, 13:14

    It is good to see your work Raul. Nice portrait.
  • Keiko Saile 19. Mai 2006, 10:03

    that rocks! especially with the rings and the loose wristwatch ... good composition!
    cheers keiko
  • halbes brötchen 19. Mai 2006, 9:24

    das ist ein gutes und ehrliches portrait, ich mag die perspektive...was hat dieser mann wohl schon alles os gesehen underlebt frage ich mich da




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