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I am a black-eyed Junco

I am a black-eyed Junco

3.163 7

Jutta Ploessner

Premium (Basic), Edgewood, British Columbia

I am a black-eyed Junco

One of the birds that come to the windowsills of my cabin
where I feed them sunflower seeds year-round.

Kommentare 7

  • s. sabine krause 25. Februar 2010, 8:20

    what a cute bird! it reminds me just a little bit of our old-world "sumpfmeise", except that it's got a black breast instead of just a black "cap" on its head. but the brown soft feathers look very similar. must be very tame and used to you, if they are brave enought to come to your windowsill! i see the sumpfmeisen and blaumeisen only at our bird feeder and at the "meisen-nistkasten" in our yard! greetings, sabine.
  • Elfriede de Leeuw 4. Februar 2010, 13:25

    A beautiful shot,dear Jutta!
    I wish you a very good time!
    Best Regards Elfriede
  • Perry Blevins 9. November 2009, 21:38

    Nice capture and a wonderful background. Do you know the name? Happy to hear you feed it year round.
  • Kosche Günther 5. November 2009, 9:14

    Liebe Jutta!
    Eine tolle Aufnahme,herrlich gemacht,mit sehr guter Schärfe! Liebe Grüsse Günther
  • Hannes P. 29. Oktober 2009, 19:05

    Klasse Bildschärfe !!
    Gefällt mir gut !!

    Gruß Hannes
  • S Mattox 29. Oktober 2009, 4:01

    Nice shot Jutta. Nothing like having an endless supply of photographic possibilities!!! Take care... Steve
  • Adele D. Oliver 29. Oktober 2009, 2:11

    A beautiful macro image with excellent dof. My juncos have come back, and they will stay and feed until it gets warm in the Spring - have not captured one yet as they are shy!
    cheers, Adele