Hillary for Prison
Part of my signs collection.
As seen in rural Tennessee
Each side of the political spectrum stand by their parties views 100%. The recent years have divided this country more than any other time in my generation.
Harold Thompson 22. Januar 2023, 16:43
:-))Harold and Sue
dotroom 22. Januar 2023, 16:12
PizzagateDinu Filipescu 21. Januar 2023, 20:32
They might be responsible for what they say but also for what they DO NOT SAY.J Oscar Sierra Echo 21. Januar 2023, 20:10
Great photographic documentMatthias Moritz 21. Januar 2023, 20:10
Thats a bitter result of social changes. America has been my favorite country for a long time, a beacon of democracy. A lot has gone lost.Klaus Boizo 21. Januar 2023, 17:38