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Great Crested Grebe

Great Crested Grebe

2.288 4

Sue Thompson

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Kommentare 4

  • archiek 29. November 2017, 23:27

    Your patience was rewarded with a good shot of this Grebe.
    Regards, Archie
  • Manu T. 28. November 2017, 19:28

    A beautiful bird well taken, I like your chosen format here a lot and the reflection is a fine extra here.
  • Harold Thompson 28. November 2017, 12:22

    Spotted whiole we sat and admired the view across the lake it was a t first under a branch of a shrub on the water edge then finally it swam into the open
    :-)) Harold
  • Mark Billiau. 28. November 2017, 11:35

    One of the most beautiful waterbirds of western Europe !
    Nicely captured with a fine reflection !


Views 2.288


Kamera NIKON D90
Objektiv 18.0-270.0 mm f/3.5-6.3
Blende 6.3
Belichtungszeit 1/160
Brennweite 270.0 mm
ISO 250

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