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Frauenkirche Dresden | panoview |

Frauenkirche Dresden | panoview |

1.825 9

Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Frauenkirche Dresden | panoview |

The devastating "Bombing of Dresden" in 1945 is part of our history. However, after the Reunification of Germany this historic place was rebuilt not with ultra-modern fronts, but in traditional way. Not one of these buildings around this ensemble is really an "old" one.

Thank you, Lichtbilder - Holger Sauer for the detailed information!

October 2012, Saxony, Dresden, 9 frames upright

Dresden Frauenkirche
Dresden Frauenkirche
Matthias Moritz

Kommentare 9

  • Pfriemer 16. April 2018, 17:14

    Da mag ich gerne länger gucken, Gruß aus Bali Wolfgang
  • Chris Zympilas 13. Juli 2013, 13:15

    Great panorama, it's like to be there ! :)
  • Mihajlo Vasiljevic 19. April 2013, 15:17

  • Lichtbilder - Holger Sauer 4. November 2012, 20:49

    hast du hier ne tonung darübergelegt?
    auf meinem monitor fast zu scharf... aber echt beeindruckend!
    lg holger
    ach ja...wegen der info: aber gern...!!
  • s. sabine krause 4. November 2012, 10:38

    a beautiful if still a little sterile looking restorated view! the brand new replica buildings still radiate a certain "lego look", but time will bring "weathering", i hope, and thus make it look more natural and organic… an impressive image of an ambitious project – never been to dresden before, but now i'd like to go and visit! greetings, sabine.
  • Ilse Jentzsch 4. November 2012, 10:26

    Da ich noch nie in Dresden war, betrachte ich natürlich voller Interesse Dein wunderschönes Pano - und bedanke mich dafür.
    LG Ilse
  • Klaus Kieslich 4. November 2012, 10:08

    Super Pano
    Gruß Klaus
  • regina ellen 4. November 2012, 9:16

    ...danke für dieses excellente Foto meiner Heimatstadt..da kommt schon etwas "Heimweh" auf!!
    schönen Sonntag Matthias+lg regina ellen
  • † cathy Blatt 4. November 2012, 8:08

    Thank you for the pano. It almost looks like the paintings of the artist who portrayed the market scenes of Dresden at that time. I watched the progress on my yearly visits to Europe. It was so impressive to see how each single brick was taken out of the rubble, brushed off by hand and then numbered, stored on one of the many shelves and then re-used for the re building of the church.I found this dedication so thought provoking and inspiring.cathy