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Fortune Teller 5-5

Fortune Teller 5-5

2.024 1

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Fortune Teller 5-5

At the end she allows the child to wonder off like trained bait for the feel of money crossing her palm instead of bread as in the last tourist. There isn't really any connection between the woman, the child and the tourist. It is just about bring home extra money. They are not out in the the day. They are out in the night time after time. I guess you can say this is the disconnection between human rights, welfare,state and religion. So I ask what really matters to all human kind.

Oh that is up to you to say and not me..


Kommentare 1

  • Dr. Labude 24. Februar 2014, 18:50

    Not so much in terms of visuality but story-wise very impressive. Reminded you to the gipsy time?


Ordner Morocco
Views 2.024


Kamera E-M1
Objektiv OLYMPUS M.75mm F1.8
Blende 1.8
Belichtungszeit 1/40
Brennweite 75.0 mm
ISO 1600