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Fortune Teller 4-5

Fortune Teller 4-5

2.321 1

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Fortune Teller 4-5

To her surprise she is handed a piece of bread. She throws the food away. The only that matters is money. But what can she expect from a tourist that has a better life than her.

Kommentare 1

  • Adele D. Oliver 23. Februar 2014, 23:06

    for me visually the best of your series showing all the people around her, the colour of the balloons balancing the colours of her bag and the light .... but very disappointing to read your story - but that's life, I guess.
    greetings, Adele


Ordner Morocco
Views 2.321


Kamera E-M1
Objektiv OLYMPUS M.75mm F1.8
Blende 1.8
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 75.0 mm
ISO 1600