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Forgive and forgive...

Forgive and forgive...

1.396 7

Natalia 5

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Kommentare 7

    • Natalia 5 8. November 2021, 9:03

      Gute Zeit Fredel! Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bilder! Schön, dass Ihnen das Foto gut erschien!  Guten Tag für Sie! Natalja.
  • crestmike 30. August 2015, 18:01

    Dear Natalia!
    What an impressive Picture you are showing!
    Now, I think thta being ready to forgive means being balanced. It means literally health. Every day we have causes to forgive, but each cause to forgive is at the same time a CHANCE to forgive.
    We are like the twig in your photo - someone is blowing a strong wind against us. We forgive, and are at peace. I like the way you are expressing thoughts with your Pictures. Fine work, Natalia!
    Joyful greetings
  • Mirjam Burer 12. Juli 2015, 9:59

    melancholic and sad mood in this good picture Natalia, well chozen subject..
    lg, Mirjam
  • SINA 12. Juli 2015, 7:27

    Fein festgehaltene Vergänglichkeit auf zartblauem Schnee ....mit einem tiefsinnigen Titel....ja
    Herzlich Sina


Views 1.396


Kamera FinePix JX200
Objektiv ---
Blende 5.9
Belichtungszeit 1/450
Brennweite 25.0 mm
ISO 100

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