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Cycling in the Netherlands

Cycling in the Netherlands

6.742 3


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Volkel

Kommentare 3

Bei diesem Foto wünscht josesateixeira ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • Leif von Nethen 19. Februar 2024, 10:51

    i can see the idea behind the pic which is good. also like the way you worked with the shadows and the symmetry created by the trees. i do think though that the scene is too commonplace to catch the viewer for a longer time as nothing is really happening. the story is missing. also - the colourpalette is to similar. maybe black and white with a little bokeh on the backround could have helped to create a little mistery. right now it is a pic of a bike on a path in the woods. the composition is good, but the other circumstances arent really noteworthy. sorry for so many criticism, hope you are not mad :)



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