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Angkor Wat - Waiting for the sunset

Angkor Wat - Waiting for the sunset

678 2


Premium (World), Hnnover

Angkor Wat - Waiting for the sunset

Taken in Phnom Bakeh just before sunset.
Every Day thousands of people are delivered by busses, tuk-tuk's and taxis to this temple on a hill overviewing Angkor Wat. Equiped with everything from 10$ one-way cameras to the fanciest professional cameras and video cameras they all try to take a picturesque shot of the sunset over Angkor Wat... which is impossible... That evening as every evening thousands of exchangable pictures are created. Nobody seems o bother and looking at their faces they seem to enjoy... well the Japanese and Koreans at least - the Europeans seem a little annoyed in view of the masses.
Nikon D 70s

Gervais KL

Kommentare 2

  • Gervais 26. Februar 2007, 4:49

    ... Der Aufstieg lohnt sich nur wenn du Photos wie diese machen möchtest oder Spass daran hast den (vorwiegend) asiatischen Touristen-Super-Gau zu beobachten (was ganz amüsant sein kann).
    Denk nicht mal daran ein schönes oder einzigartiges Photo von Angkor Wat zu schiessen... ;-)

    Gervais KL
  • H-Jürgen K... 25. Februar 2007, 20:48

    Gut dokumentiert. Jetzt bin ich froh, daß wir uns nicht die Mühe des Aufstiegs gemacht haben.
    Gruß, Jürgen.