
Premium (World), Hnnover

Über mich

Experienced, well travelled and meanwhile seasoned amateur who is into street photography and architecture

At the age of ? ? ? I "stole" the old Agfa Silette from my dad :-) I just liked the fat "klick" when pushing the shutter.
Some years later I changed to a "real" camera NIKON F301 and spent almost all of my savings at that time. Pretty soon I invested in a lab too and gradually upgraded my equipment with various NIKONs and lenses.
I photographed a lot and was mainly into details I saw on the street and in daily life. Mainly b/w. These are still my favourite subjects today.
Of course the usual travel stuff with a focus on street scenes rather than beaches... so here we come to...

Not only shooting but also watching. Isn't Photography about watching !? All kinds of reportage and street scenes. People, details, series, architecture. Nature is a rather rare topic but I developped a growing interest in architechture.
ffrom 2005 to 2008 I was living in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia and extensively travelled in South East Asia.
During 2010 to 2011 I was travelling to Warsaw quite regulary.
Moving to Moscow / Russia in Sep 2013 there is a whole new world to explore.
Since Jan 2018 I'm located in Paris for the next 2 to 3 years...

In general I'm the purist-kind-of-type, i.e. I'm not into experimental phototgraphy neither do I fiddle around with the photos on my Mac (except b/w conversion and a little contrast, colors, sharpening...).
Recently though I doing more colour shots and do admit, that some excessive editing can be fun as well... :-)

I recently changed from my beloved Nikons to a Fuji X-Pro 2. Considered to be the poor mans Leica I'm amazed of the handling, build and quality of the camera. So far using three fixed lenses from 18mm to 50mm

Furthermore I own a small Fuji X20 which I use when I don't wanna carry around the big one. Amazing little thing... . As long as you know what it can do and what not - it's OK. Then again: Photography is about watching 1st and technics only 2nd...

Very very seldom I grab one of the cameras of my small classic camera collection: a NIKON FM, a russian-made Zenith 11, a GDR made Praktika, a MINOX 35. Another "toy" is Snapseed on my iPhone ... ;-)

Let me finally quote something which describes photography best in my opinion:

If you Photo isn't good you haven't been CLOSE enough.
[Robert Capa]

Kommentare 17

  • finepixonline 11. September 2018, 18:45

    iam always happy to get feedback from learned fotographers.All pictures are shot by myself.
  • finepixonline 11. September 2018, 18:44

    hello,welcome on my page,always welcome.thank you Marion
  • Lars Ihring 17. August 2018, 12:50

    Hello Gervais,
    I see you have activated the option "constructive feedback" for many pictures. Take a look at this. We give a lot of tips on this topic. Maybe there's one for you, too.

    Do you have specific questions about your pictures? What was the idea behind it and are you satisfied with it? You make it easier for everyone who wants to help you constructively if you give hints about what you want to know or what you are not satisfied with. 
  • sisley 8. September 2011, 16:48

    ich finde deine rom-serie ziemlich genial
    lg sisley
  • Roman Picard 1. November 2010, 21:58

    Hi Gervais,
    Deine Asia-Bilder sind beeindruckend.
    Die vom Thaipusam voll abgefahren. Das darf man sich nicht entgehen lassen. Ein Schauspiel sondersgleichen.
  • gemblue 4. September 2010, 23:22

    Hi Gervais, just went around the world several times by looking at all of your pictures... wonderful!
    Regards, gemblue
  • funkypic 18. Oktober 2009, 19:16

    Hi Gervais,

    I love your NY pictures. These pictures are real pic of the city that never sleeps. Great !!!

  • Ken Piros 10. Oktober 2009, 13:34

    I had a wonderful time viewing your collection of everyday street life from so many different countries and cultures.
  • David Bank 9. Dezember 2007, 23:54

    Hallo Gervais,

    Sehr geile Fotos hier bei Dir. Habe Dich eben erst endeckt aber werde Dich gleich mal zu den Buddies nehmen. Was machst Du denn in Kuala Lumpur, wenn Du nicht gerade am Fotografieren bist?
    Werde jetzt sicher öfter hier vorbei schauen.
    Gruss aus London
  • Salvatore Gebbia 31. Oktober 2006, 9:41

    thank you for comments. ciao salvatore
  • Ermelinda Machado 30. Juli 2006, 14:34

    danke für die tipps
    abr ich habe nichts nach geschärft :S
  • chris - tian 28. Juli 2006, 19:43

    das von dir zitierte zitat stammt von robert capa und nich bresson:

    her mit dem schönen leben!
  • Alexandra Schmidt 29. Juni 2005, 22:00

    und vielen Dank für Deine Anmerkung unter meinem Petrona Tower ;-), da beneide ich Dich aber wirklich drum das Du nun dort leben darfst !! Ich liebe K.L. und habe natürlich mehr gesehen als diesen Tower - ich wünsche Dir viel Spaß dort !
    Viele Grüße,Alexandra
  • Tobias Kromke 14. März 2005, 17:10

    hallo jörg,
    vielen dank für deinen voting vorschlag meines bildes und herzlichen dank für die nette anmerkung.
    lieben gruß tobias

    PS: tolle bilder, schöne schwarz/weiß aufnahmen.
  • Stefan Eckert 14. Januar 2005, 12:49

    endlich schaffe ich es, mich für Deine Unterstützung im Voting zu bedanken. Einen besseren Start ins Foto Jahr 2005, als mit meinem ersten Sternchen, kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen...

    Vielen Dank für Deine Stimme!

    Liebe Grüße
    Stefan ;-)

    Toblerone ;-)
    Toblerone ;-)
    Stefan Eckert
  • 32 21
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  • Fotograf (Fortgeschritten)


Fuji X-Pro 2
Fuji X20

18mm 2.0
23mm 2,0 WR
35mm 2.0 WR
50mm 2.0 WR

iPhone 12