Über mich
After some interesting years in different areas of photography I made the decision to swap my equipment and… digital became analog again. Now, I’m on that point where I started almost 20 years ago. Ok, Photoshop replaced my darkroom but the rest is very “nostalgic” again….it was a very good decision!
I’m working with a Hasselblad 503cw and I only use availabel light! No auto-focus, using a light meter to find the right exposure and then changing film after 12 frames….. shootings are very unhurried and I try to keep them as simple as possible, no unnecessary stuff or gadgets, just me and the model. And the day after the shooting, I’m looking forward to this magic moment when the developped film-rolls come out of the tank.
All this may look like I’m going backwards, but it was a good decision to forward my photography. The shootings and the work with the models is very relaxed and always very funny but in the end, the results are of high quality and exactly as I want them. I encourage you .. take an analog body and shoot some rolls of b/w or color-film….it is great fun !!
Remember… Film is not dead, it just smells funny !!…cheers Rae
Awards and Books:
Prix de la Photographie Paris (www.px3.fr):
1st Prize (Gold) in the 2012 Competition - Category Portraiture
2nd Prize (Silver) in the 2012 Competition - Category People
3rd Prize (Bronze) in the 2012 Competition - Category FineArtNude
Passion&Desire -- Edition Skylight
GEP The Body -- Edition Feierabend
Nudes -- Edition Knesebeck
I’m working with a Hasselblad 503cw and I only use availabel light! No auto-focus, using a light meter to find the right exposure and then changing film after 12 frames….. shootings are very unhurried and I try to keep them as simple as possible, no unnecessary stuff or gadgets, just me and the model. And the day after the shooting, I’m looking forward to this magic moment when the developped film-rolls come out of the tank.
All this may look like I’m going backwards, but it was a good decision to forward my photography. The shootings and the work with the models is very relaxed and always very funny but in the end, the results are of high quality and exactly as I want them. I encourage you .. take an analog body and shoot some rolls of b/w or color-film….it is great fun !!
Remember… Film is not dead, it just smells funny !!…cheers Rae
Awards and Books:
Prix de la Photographie Paris (www.px3.fr):
1st Prize (Gold) in the 2012 Competition - Category Portraiture
2nd Prize (Silver) in the 2012 Competition - Category People
3rd Prize (Bronze) in the 2012 Competition - Category FineArtNude
Passion&Desire -- Edition Skylight
GEP The Body -- Edition Feierabend
Nudes -- Edition Knesebeck
Simon Lerch 13. Mai 2024, 10:03
Wundervolle, sinnliche und ästhetische Bilder. Ich mag deine Arbeit und deine Portfolio sehr.Beste Grüsse, Simon
kp_pixxel4fun 14. Januar 2024, 15:50
Wunderschöne sinnliche/zarte Aufnahmen in Deinem Profil. Klasse!!VG Klaus
Herr Oevy 26. März 2022, 22:07
Wunderschöne sinnliche Bilder! Respekt!Schöne Grüße
rorax1 16. Februar 2022, 21:04
I just came across your portfolio and I really like it. It's a good approach to skip the digital and work analog - at least in the first phase of photography. That should accommodate the creative and fun aspects of the work, as digital post-processing offers more than enough challenges.Your portfolio is already a few years old - do you still work like this?
With kind regards
Horst Kasselmann 8. Dezember 2018, 22:08
Die Bilder strahlen eine unheimliche Zartheit aus. Sehr, sehr schön. Gruß HorstSuse Küstenkind 16. September 2016, 17:43
Selten habe ich solch ein wundervolles, kunstvolles Portfolio gesehen !!!Schade, das du so weit weg wohnst
Liebste mecklenburgische Grüße
Susanna =)
Double A 6. Juni 2016, 1:22
I like your traditional approach and philosophy of the joy of "real" photography. For those of us old enough to know what you are talking about and experienced the magic of the dark room, I see what you mean.Cheers from Canada, Alvin
J.K.-Fotografie 25. September 2014, 19:43
Ich mag deine Arbeiten sehr, absolut allererste SahneLG Achim
HansGerdS 27. Juli 2014, 9:39
Eines der besten Portfolios, das ich in der fotocommunity bisher gesehen habe. Fantastisch!LG Hans-Gerd
Rene Cuntz 14. April 2014, 20:07
Schöne, ästhetische Bilder hier. Orange.VG René
KHDP 31. Dezember 2013, 17:49
Danke danke, gern geschehen!Suuuper!
_____$$__YEAR !
Gravit 12. November 2013, 20:27
Toutes mes félicitations pour l'ensemble de ta galerie, c'est splendide!!!Amicalement
Treasure-Jo 30. Oktober 2013, 20:09
Durchweg, wundervolle, großartige, faszinierende, gekonnte Fotos!Danke fürs Zeigen!
frankdecker 17. Dezember 2012, 8:17
Hallo RAEMOND,vielen dank für deine persönliche Anmerkung, ja was soll ich sagen... wie gut dass ich daraufhin bei dir vorbeigeschaut habe... ganz großes Kino! Bin begeistert!
LG Frank
Erkan Camlilar 18. September 2012, 12:45
orange !!!